Course Tutoring and Test Prep Options
Dr. Math has the experience to tutor any of the courses offered at our local high schools. We classify our courses and price our services according to the level of difficulty of the course or service requested. If you are interested in tutoring for a course not listed below, please contact Dr. Math to see if we can be of assistance.
Standard Math Courses
Traditional Sequence
Algebra 1
Algebra 2
Math Analysis
Calculus (non-AP)
Common Core Sequence
Common Core Math 1
Common Core Math 2
Common Core Math 3
Common Core Math 4
IB Mathematics
Discrete Mathematics
Math 7+
Advanced Placement Courses
AP Precalculus (new)
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC
AP Statistics
AP Chemistry
AP Physics
Science Courses
Standardized Test Preparation
SAT Math
ACT Math
ACT Science
SAT English
ACT Verbal and Writing
English, Reading, Writing
Middle School English
High School English
College Essays