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Homeschooling for high school students taking upper level math courses can be a challenge, especially for the parent who has a mild or moderate case of math anxiety. Many families find it helpful to turn the responsibility over to experienced, licensed teachers like ours. We know the curriculum, and we can direct you to good resources, both in print and online.

How does Dr. Math work with homeschool students?

There are two approaches we use when working with homeschool students, and we can modify or adjust either of these to suit your individual needs.

  • Complete course delivery

  • Supplementation to support a recorded course delivery system (typically provided on DVDs)


Complete Course Delivery

This approach takes the responsibility for setting up, organizing, and delivering content away from the parent. We recommend using this option when there is a small group of students with the same need such as an Algebra 1 course. Dr. Math makes the arrangements for all instructional materials to be provided to the students and meets the group several times per week over the entire academic year, following a schedule similar to that used at the college level. Here is a short summary of how this approach works:

  • Parents make arrangements for the group to meet at a specific location.

  • Students meet with Dr. Math for instruction 2 or 3 times per week for 30 weeks.

    • Twice-weekly sessions run for 75 minutes each​.

    • Three times a week sessions meet for 50 minutes each.

    • Each semester lasts for 15 instructional weeks with standard breaks and holidays.

  • Dr. Math selects instructional materials, such as books, course paks, or online resources.

  • Homework is assigned and reviewed.

  • Quizzes and tests are administered and graded by Dr. Math.

  • Grades are earned by students and assigned by Dr. Math.

  • Student accountability is ensured.

  • Parental responsibility is limited to monitoring students to see they are keeping up with their assignments and other outside work recommended by Dr. Math.


The complete course delivery approach is intended for use by small groups (5-10) of students, and it provides opportunities for collaboration not possible with an independent study approach. Class discussions and exchanges in real time with an experienced teacher allow for those "teachable moments" to occur. This face-to-face approach gives students opportunities to ask questions and have discussions with both Dr. Math and their peers.


Supplemental Instructional Approach

This approach can be used when families prefer a more independent approach to learning and places greater responsibility on the parents for the delivery of course content. The support provided by Dr. Math in this setting closely resemble the support provided in a regular tutoring environment. Here are the key aspects of this approach:

  • Parents select course material such as a set of DVDs. This resource is the primary source of direct instruction.

  • Parents ensure that student watches DVDs and completes recommended assignments.

  • Student meets with Dr. Math 1 or 2 times per week for the duration of the course.

  • ​Dr. Math works with students to make sure important concepts are understood.​

  • Regular testing is done by the parent using resources that accompany the course materials.

  • Grading is the responsibility of the parent.

  • Dr. Math will administer and grade a semester and final examination to assess the student's progress, and these grades will be provided to the parent for inclusion in the student's final course grade.


Alternative Approaches

Dr. Math can devise an approach to meet your needs. While the approach may differ from either of the two approaches described above, one expectation is consistent: Dr. Math will ensure that the student has attained a reasonable level of proficiency in the course before recommending the student for taking a subsequent math course.

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